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Flock Together -Evaluation Report

The Lamplighters formed to create a lantern parade to bring together the diverse communities of Barton Hill, Redfield and St George back in 2015. This independently commissioned report by Nell Farrally illustrates how we are coming along on this journey. As an organisation who has received relatively little funding we are proud and delighted to share this report. Our work is ongoing. Whilst activities have been curtailed in 2020 by Covid-19 and home schooling, we hope to to continue to connect with our community as soon as we are safely able and will continue to promote wellbeing through art workshops. In the meantime we are going to strengthen our organisation to assist us in creating a more resilient arts provision in our wonderful community of Bristol and we will light up as soon as we are able. Feel free to read and share our report.


Lighting Up the Longest Nights

Having all the lanterns ready at the point of Covid cancellation. we really wanted to bring them out into the community in the safest way possible.

this mini evaluation report shows how we managed. It genuinely was "Plan F"

© 2022 Lamplighter Arts CIC

Upstairs at  Besthesda,138a Church Road Bristol BS59HH

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